Tuesday 10 November 2009

Time flys!

Gosh..I really do not know where the time goes! I have been so busy lately in all areas of my life that I don't seem to have time to stop and think and before I know it it will be Christmas!

I have been up to all number of things, including celebrating my boyf's 30th birthday, confirming the purchase of our caravan, which it is looking like we will be moving into in a couple of weeks, so will be in by Christmas! How exciting, working very hard in my job, cooking for my boyf, sister and Nan as his parents are away on holiday, sorting out bank accounts & finances ready for starting our life in our new place.

I haven't even had time to make my cards really and still haven't taken pictures of the ones that have made and haven't posted as yet. I haven't started my Christmas shopping and to top it of some little Ba*@ta&d has hacked into my email and facebook accounts and changed the passwords, so I am now trying to change all passwords and ensure that I am secure from identity theft! Great! Why can't they just get on with living their own lives and stop trying to steal other honest, hard working peoples lives and hard earned cash!

Also I now have a new addition to my hamster family, a lovely dwarf roborovski hamster. Her name is Gussi, she was in the addoption section at pets at home and I had to have her as soon as I saw her, much to my boyfriends annoyance. He said no at first but then we went the next morning and got her. We already had the cage, we buy bedding and food already for Cocoa and she only needed a few toys and we were ready to go. Apparently she is only a baby and the reason she was up for adoption is because she used to fight with her brothers and sisters. She even had a bit missing from her ear, a proper little tom boy, he boyish name suits her.

We had a drama with our other hamster last night when she escaped out of her ball, chewed her way out and I found an empty ball! She was discovered exploring the back of my chest of drawers and luckily we caught her once we had discovered her. I swear she has the hamster form of ADHD, she is so hyperactive!

Well hopefully I will be able to get back to regular blogging soon. Hope everyone is well, I am trying to have a read of your blogs and catch up.
