Thursday 17 December 2009

Xmas Makes

Well it has been a very long time since I last posted on here, I can't believe it is nearly Christmas. For once though I do feel very prepared. I have almost made all my cards, just have 3 more to make (see below the ones I made yesterday for my parents and family). I have also almost finished my Christmas shopping which I completed mainly online. The few gifts I am yet to get I know what I am getting and I have managed to stay on budget.

I am very pleased with one of my Christmas presents that I know I am getting (because I ordered them) they are off my boyfriend. A brand new set of 36 copic pens for my card making, I cannot wait. Unfortunately they got lost in the post, but they have now been tracked down and are on there way to me, yey!

I am now all moved into our new home and I am loving having our own space. Unfortunately i have been ill for the last week so haven't been able to fully appreciate it, but I am on the mend now and beginging to get things sorted and take in my new home.

I am also on track again at weight watchers, I went to the weigh in and Christmas party last night and I have lost another 1lb, to mak 6.5lb, unfortunately still 0.5lb away from my silver seven, but I have one more weigh in before Christmas and I will get it off then. It is a long slog but I am already feeling the benefits. Being able to cook our food has also helped, lots more veggies and healthy home cooked meals.

I am also really excited at the moment about the prospect of getting a new pet in the New Year. A dog. I have always had dogs when growing up and have hated not always having one around whilst being a student and then lodging in other peoples houses, but now we are able to have a dog and even though I work I am 5 mins away so can go home for lunch and walk him, and will also have time in the mornings at night. It will also help greatly with my weight loss. I am a huge animal lover and dogs are a big passion of mine. I love training them, playing with them and just generally caring for them. I am particularly interested in getting a Goldendoodle, although Phil is currently not sold on the idea, I have however printed off a very cute piccy of a lovely curly goldendoodle to win his heart! It worked with getting a hamster, plus he always gives in to me in the end and I know he will love it when he has one.

Well I hope everyone is enjoying the build up to the festive season. Merry Christmas.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Time flys!

Gosh..I really do not know where the time goes! I have been so busy lately in all areas of my life that I don't seem to have time to stop and think and before I know it it will be Christmas!

I have been up to all number of things, including celebrating my boyf's 30th birthday, confirming the purchase of our caravan, which it is looking like we will be moving into in a couple of weeks, so will be in by Christmas! How exciting, working very hard in my job, cooking for my boyf, sister and Nan as his parents are away on holiday, sorting out bank accounts & finances ready for starting our life in our new place.

I haven't even had time to make my cards really and still haven't taken pictures of the ones that have made and haven't posted as yet. I haven't started my Christmas shopping and to top it of some little Ba*@ta&d has hacked into my email and facebook accounts and changed the passwords, so I am now trying to change all passwords and ensure that I am secure from identity theft! Great! Why can't they just get on with living their own lives and stop trying to steal other honest, hard working peoples lives and hard earned cash!

Also I now have a new addition to my hamster family, a lovely dwarf roborovski hamster. Her name is Gussi, she was in the addoption section at pets at home and I had to have her as soon as I saw her, much to my boyfriends annoyance. He said no at first but then we went the next morning and got her. We already had the cage, we buy bedding and food already for Cocoa and she only needed a few toys and we were ready to go. Apparently she is only a baby and the reason she was up for adoption is because she used to fight with her brothers and sisters. She even had a bit missing from her ear, a proper little tom boy, he boyish name suits her.

We had a drama with our other hamster last night when she escaped out of her ball, chewed her way out and I found an empty ball! She was discovered exploring the back of my chest of drawers and luckily we caught her once we had discovered her. I swear she has the hamster form of ADHD, she is so hyperactive!

Well hopefully I will be able to get back to regular blogging soon. Hope everyone is well, I am trying to have a read of your blogs and catch up.


Friday 30 October 2009

Lots to tell

Wow it has been a very busy few weeks for me... I haven't even had time to post on here.

It has been extremely busy at work, so I have been manic there and also had loads to do in my home life too. Me and my boyfriend are finally getting own place which means a huge amount to us. It means our own space, privacy, lot's of cooking time and able to choose what I want to cook, we can have friends and family round or to stay so less money being spent on going out all the time. I will even have space to do my card making because we will have more than one room to call our own.

We have purchased a luxury mobile home on a lovely holiday park called Lakeside on the south coast. The park itself is just on the edge of town so we have the convenience of being close to work and shops, restaurants and bars, but also we have the countryside all around and are not too far from the sea. The Park is surrounded by 10 fishing lakes so it is quite beautiful.

The mobile home it's self is very smart, it is only two years old and has been well looked after. It comes fully furnished so all we need to get is a few items for the kitchen and we are good to go. We have a nice lounge, a modern kitchen with a dining area, one guest bedroom, a small seperate toilet, an en-suit bathroom with shower/bath and then a double bedroom. There are double patio doors from the lounge which will open onto our lovely decking space. I cannot wait. It just feels like you are in a flat when you are inside.

On top of this I have also been busy making cards and even went to a card making workshop, where I learnt some handy techniques, but actually I was surprised at how much I already knew and how professional my cards already looked. I lost my camera battery charger for a while, but it has now been located and I will post some pictures up on here very soon. It will be so nice to have space to do my hobby very soon.

Thursday 15 October 2009

Weighted Thursday: Slow and steady wins the race

I am still going steady on the weight loss front. Apart from a little slip after my birthday celebrations I have lost every week since I started going again.

I lost 1/2 lb this week, small but a 1/2 lb in the right direction. Just 2lb to go and I will have lost 1/2 stone and I already feel much better for it.

I have continued my two classes a week and I am definitely improving fitness wise, I am no longer at deaths door by the end of boxercise, just feel more like I am getting over a bad bought of flu! I also now have a regular partner, Patricia to complete the class with which is nice.

Also for those of you card makers out there, I haven't given up, still love it, but have lost my battery charger for the camera so cannot take photographic evidence, must have a search tonight!

I am also mega busy at the moment, I work full time, go to weight watchers once a week, singing rehearsal once a week, and then gigs hear and there, 2 lot's of exercise classes, I am trying to complete a distance learning HND in business in marketing (I have been enrolled for 2 years and so far have only completed 2 modules so far! My tutor had a little word and said that I need to pick up the pace to at least 1 module over 2 months and that will mean I will finish in Feb 2012! There are 16 modules to do in total, so I have to get my arse into gear) then I am also trying to re-start my PartyLite business back up part time to try and bring in some extra money, so if anyone lives in or has friends in west sussex area spread the word. I feel like I am on overload at the moment!

Hope everyone has a nice day.

Friday 9 October 2009

A Weighted Friday (because I forgot to do it on Thursday!)

I am rubbish! I keep forgetting to do my weighted Thursday post.

I went for my weekly weigh in on Wednesday night and it was good news.....I had lost the 1lb that I put back on last week and an extra 1/2lb for good measure. I am pleased. I am 2.5lb off getting to half a stone off and my silver seven milestone. I would love to reach it next week, but if not I am sure that by Wednesday 21st I can get there.

I have been to boxercise and pilates again this week and I am really enjoying it. I have definately improved already in both and I can notice my body starting to slowly change shape. My stomach seems to be that little bit flatter and clothes seem to be looking that bit more comfortable on my frame. Definately a move in the right direction.

Better go, work is hectic today. I am sooo glad that it is the weekend tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Wednesday 7 October 2009

New printable images for my cards

I am very excited because I have bought some printable images from Bee Crafty and they were sitting in my inbox waiting when I came in to work today. Who wouldn't want to be greeted by these little faces....

They are just adorable and I can't wait to use them. Bee Crafty also have a blog.

Unfortunately I have a hectic night tonight, it is the weekly weigh in at WW, fingers crossed I have at least lost the 1lb that I put on last week. I then have singing rehearsals afterwards, so that will take me up to 9.30, then tea and then probably almost time for bed by then, so not card making for me tonight. :(

Also a special mention to the lovely ladies who have been helping me out with my novice queries over the last two days, their help is much appreciated. Check out their blogs:


Some of them also are team members on lot's of other blogs too. They are busy ladies!

I am very keen to learn the techniques, but sometimes it is all a little overwhelming. I must say both the blogging and card making community a such lovely friendly people.

Hope everyone has a nice day.

Monday 5 October 2009

Feather & Black new look website & blog

You may know that I work for a company called Feather & Black. We have been having a refresh of our look across all marketing areas, but today was the launch of our new look website and our first ever blog. How exciting.

I think the website looks fabulous and our blog is going to be a very interesting read covering anything from buying the best mattress for you and your partner, how to get a good night sleep or our favourites of the latest trends and interiors products.

Hope you like them.

Peachy Keen Stamps Challenge Blog Candy

A fab blog candy is happening over at Peachy Keen Stamps. Take a look and enter to win these fab prizes.

World Card Making Day

Well I did participate in world card making day. On Saturday I spent most of the day working on my cards, using my brand new papers and stamps. I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of my Sugar Nellie stamps, which should be in the post today, so I am sure I will be making cards tonight as well.

I made a lovely card for my Nan for her Birthday on 26th December (aren't I good!) I am quite proud of it, the new papers are great.

I also continued to work on my boyfriends 30th Birthday card. I have nearly finished just need to add a 30 on the front and then find a nice poem for inside then it is done. no pictures yet, I will post them up here when it is done.

Friday 2 October 2009

Fantastic blog candy up for grabs

Jak Heath at the Crafters Kitchen is having a brill blog candy. She has an Silhoutte SD digital cutting tool up for grabs! Take a look and enter on her blog. I sooooo want to win.

Another belated weighted Thursday!

Wow..time seems to slipping by so quickly at the moment. I completely forgot to do my weighted Thursday update.

I was again not optimistic about losing weight due to my bday celebrations. I was right, I had put on 1lb, but not so bad considering. Therefore my goal is to lose 2lb this week to make up for it.

I have been more active this week, I went to boxercise on Tuesday night, which consists of a 10 minute aerobic warm up by Chichester's very own version of Mr Motivator, James, then there are at least 10 stations around the room, and two activities on each station. You go round with a partner and complete one set of activites each and then on the second time round do the oposite activities. It was exhausting, I did think I was going to faint a few times, but overall I loved it. Oh and how I ache!

I also went to pilates again last night. It was really good, but hurt a lot more than normal due to the aftermath of boxercise.

A fairly normal week for this week, so the 2lb is feasable. See how it goes.

Monday 28 September 2009

A Belated Weighted Thursday I have been a very busy bee over the last few days. I was at a meeting in London all day on Thursday so unfortunately could not do my weighted Thursday update.

I didn't stay to my weight watchers meeting on Wednesday as I needed to spend the evening with Phil as I wasn't seeing him on my actual birthday last Friday, so I just went to the weigh in bit. To be honest I wasn't expecting much and was pessimistic about any weight loss. But I had lost 1.5lb again, so still moving consistently forward. I have lost 4.5lb in total in 3 weeks. I am pleased and will be very happy if I keep up with this. Hopefully I will get my silver seven award either this Wednesday or next. It was my Birthday on Friday and I turned 25.

I spend the weekend at my parents in Worcestershire. My Mum and dad were at work on Friday so I opened pressies on Thursday night, I got lot's of lovely things, a coat, face cleansing products, vouchers etc. On Friday I spent the day with my Nan and cousin Sam. We went to Ludlow, had lunch in the castle tea rooms there and then had a stroll around the market and shops. Then on the evening I was treated to an Indian meal by Mum and Dad and my little bro came along. It was lovely.

Then on Saturday I spent the day with best friend shopping, watching Fame at the cinema and then a light meal on the way home. I bought lot's of bargains in Primark, we spent two hours in there!

On Sunday I went to see a close old friend from college, who has asked me to be her brides maid. I had a mini breakdown before I left to go and see her, I was a little worried about seeing her because she hadn't seen me since I had put on weight and I was worried that she would be disappointed that she had asked me to be a bridesmaid. Silly I know, but I just don't want her to worry about me looking awful on her photo's. I know, she doesn't even think like that. Anyway it was nice to catch up and I am now more spurred on to lose the weight.

After seeing my friend, I dropped round to pick up my Nan and took her to Mum and Dads to have a Sunday lunch.
(It will be a miracle if I have lost weight this week, but I have been good the rest of the time to make up for it and I do have boxercise tomorrow night to burn some calories!). Then a long 3hr drive back to my home in Worthing.

Now... well it's Monday and work is nearly over, so that is a plus...but still 4 days to go at work! Hope everyone else had a good weekend.

Monday 21 September 2009

Daniella's Candy- Paper inspirations

I just found this fab blog, and to top it off Daniella is having a Candy give-away with lot's of lovely crafty goodies. visit her blog and enter. Candy closes 25th September (my Birthday!). She has a lovely blog and makes some fab paper creations.

My Card Making Haven

Cheryl is having a fab blog candy, to win this fab pack of goodies. Visit her blog to enter. Candy closes 30th September.

Car Booting & Card Making

Another busy weekend gone and back to work! It seems like half my office have a touch of Mondayitus, there's hardly anyone in!

So this is how my weekend panned out...

I have loads of clothes, shoes and bits that I want to sell so I decided to do a car boot sale to get rid, along with my boyf sister who had few things to sell. We had to get up at 5.00 and we were there by 6.30, then we sat in a huge que for 1 hr starving and tired. Finally the car boot opened at 7.30 and we were all let in and could un-pack and begin selling immediately. I always get a little stressed about this because people try to look at things and hassel you whilst you are getting things sorted.

The car boot was very busy and I sold some shoes within the first few minutes. I made £50 in total, Natalie on the other hand only made £1 so was at a loss with the pitch fee! She is new to the world of car boot and was still in that stubbon stage where she won't move on price! She will learn.

I always find at car boots that it is wise not to look at other peoples stalls as I will always spot something that I want to buy and then spend all the money I have gained. I was being really good and following this rule, but unfortunately the mans stall next to me was full of the most delightful antiques. All morning I had been resisting the temptation to look at a lovely 1950's sewing box that was causing quite a stir, in the end the temptation won when the last lady almost bought it. It was full of buttons, ribbon, cotton, needles, pinking sheers and the box was beautiful and all for £20, the contents would cost more than that alone. I had to buy it.

I think you will agree it is lovely...

(it has legs as well)

So now I have loads of buttons for my card making.

Sunday was spent finishing off a tri fold shutter card which I had started making for my Nan's Bday. I am quite pleased with it.

I also started working on a decoupage for my Boyfriends 30th Birthday card. He is an arable farmer and loves his John Deere tractor, so I have made a tractor the main theme and will work around that. I just found the image on the internet, printed it several times on the card stock and then cut out the pieces, then coloured the layers and stuck them together. Voula!

Friday 18 September 2009

I Love...Bumble bags

I just found these lovely party bags on line. I don't have an children but I thought they were cute. They have various designs for girls and boys. You can choose the contents by age range and budget, so there is something to suit everyone. Lovely.

Thursday 17 September 2009

Weighted Thursday

So I had my second weigh in since my return to Weight Watchers. I was not optimistic as I had been ill and really had the urge to 'feed my cold' as the saying goes. Also it is my bday next week and so due to Phil's unpredictable hours he is not sure when he would have the weekend off next and I am away at my parents on my actual bday, so he took me out for an early celebration meal. Nothing too fancy just good English food and good conversation. I didn't count points on this occasion, naughty I know, but I knew that they would be a lot and as it was my bday treat I wanted to indulge a little. It was also a lady at works birthday and they had non-low fat cakes in the office, and due to my cold my 'no thank you' mechanism was not working to it's full potential, so I said, 'ooohh yes please' to a piece of some lovely delicious chocolate cake! (naughty me!)

So taking all of that into account I thought that last weeks efforts were a wash out. But I still went to my meeting, and am I glad I did. I lost a lovely 2lb's bringing my total to 3lb so far , I think the pilates class on Tuesday may have helped a little. Only 4 more and I get my silver seven, fingers crossed for a good week this week. I know you may be thinking '2lb, is that all' but I would rather lose slow and steady, than go full steam ahead and and burn out before I have barely begun.

So I am now going to set some goals:

In total I would like to loose 5 1/2 stone to get me in my healthy weight and BMI for my height. The date that I'm aiming for is the end of June 2010, as I would love to go on a nice summer holiday and wear a bekini, I would like to feel great in flowing sun dresses and little shorts.
Goals: Short term
  • Get to 7lb and earn my silver seven
  • Reach my 10% goal of 11lb by Christmas
Long term
  • Loose at least 4 stone by end of June 2010
  • Wear a bikini on holiday in 2010
Ultimate goal
  • Loose 5 1/2 stone and maintain for the rest of my life (apart from when I have children) within 5lb either side
Although it sounds a lot and I have a long road ahead of me, taking baby steps helps, so I think of it as being 2lb per week, doesn't sound so bad when you think of it like that.

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Patrick Swayze

I am so sad to hear the news that Patrick Swayze has passed away. He had been ill for quite a while, so at least he no longer suffers.

I have always loved Patrick Swayze as an actor, especially since first watching Dirty Dancing at the age of 5 when my Nan left me in the care of Grandad for a day. I will always be greatful to him for sharing this film with me. I have seen it 100's of times, I love the script, characters and songs.

He will be remebered fondly by his fans and is imortalised in his fabulous films.

RIP Patrick x

Monday 14 September 2009

Busy Weekend

So I have lot's to tell you, it has been a very busy weekend (apology's in advance for a long post, but some piccies included so it breaks it up.)

Firstly Friday was my nan and Grandad who died anniversary, so a little sad. It would also have been his 79th Birthday on Saturday just gone. A little tough for my Nan being so close to the time of his death, but I think she is coping very well considering.

Despite being a little under the weather over the weekend, my boyf was off work and so I dragged him to a stamp fair (stamps for card making not postage stamps!). He was not impressed and even less impressed when he knew he had to pay £3 for each of us to get in and then had to sub me a £10 for spending! Well I got him in and got some great things to add to my kit: Ribbon, peel off foil letters, decoupage sheets etc. It was really nice to see people making their cards and get some ideas. I also spoke to a lovely lady who is a Stampin Up rep. She explained some techiniques to me and we had a good chat. If I had a house of my own I would book a party. She is local and has said that I can email her and ask questions anytime. Very nice.

So when I got home I was feeling quite inspried and began making a card for my cousin's birthday, she is only 9 but loves having a very grown up soak in the bath with candles and luxurious bubble bath, so I thought this decoupage sheet was appropriate.

Then I started trying out stamping techniques, and was inspired to begin a card for my Great Uncles 80th birthday:

Then another one, just for spares:

I also last week made a card from my kit for my Aunty, again adding some of my own embellishments (top picture)

I also had to go and get my eyes tested on Sunday morning, I wear glasses permenantely and it can be a bit of a pain. I was starting to even squint even when I was wearing my glasses, so the appointment was well over due! I picked out to lovely pairs of designer glasses, Red or Dead and Tommy Hillfiger, I always get designer ones as I wear them all the time, they need to look good! Also because I have to have prism in my leneses the optition told be the lenses would be a lot thicker this time so I should think about going for slimmed down lenses. needless to say they cost more money, £160 to be exact! Poor phil had to pay for me again. He is good to me. Probably the thought of walking around with me with really thick rimmed glasses looking like a total geek probably nudged his arm!

Hope everyone else had a good weekend.

Thursday 10 September 2009

Weighted Thursdays- The begining

To give you an update on my new motivation to loose wait and get fit and healthy....I have now re-joined Weight Watchers. I joined last summer and did almost a year, but I was not fully motivated, not in the right frame of mind, so I didn't lose a lot due to my lack of motivation. I left for a few months, had a break and got my self together.

As I say I have re-joined and am aiming to be considerably lighter and healthier by August next year for my friends wedding which am a bridesmaid at! But one step at a time.

I am going to dedicate Thursdays posts to my progress, as my weigh in is on a Wednesday evening.

I actually found my first week relatively easy. I have learnt from my last stint that I need to keep track of my points rigorously, but at the same time keep it quick and simple as I soon lose interest if I am having to write essays on what I have consumed in a day. Therefore I buy food for lunch for the week, take breakfast to work with me and plan what I am going to eat for the day in the morning. Evening meals are cooked for me so I have little control on what I have and they are not always healthy, so I am sticking to no more than 15 points values for breakfast, lunch and daytime snack so that I have at least 9 points left for the evening meal. I am calculating points on my WW calculator which makes keeping track easy.

I had an ok first week, losing 1.5 lb, a resonable loss. I would rather steadily lose a couple of lb's each week than lose lot's in one week and then put it all back on the next.

I also plan to be more active and use my gym membership, but I am not so keen on the gym, so I am going to do lot's of classes and swimming interspersed with a gym day here and there. I have pilates tonight, which I love.

So far so good.

I will keep you posted!

Boxbird Beautiful

I have recently discovered a local artist that I love. Graham Carter has a gallery in Hove, on the edge of Brighton called Boxbird. The gallery features his own work and the work of other budding new artists.

I am absolutely in love with this particular print called, Serendipity Winter, by Carter himself. Unfortunately it is a limited addition and all sold out :(

I also love....


and Hamamatsu

I think you'll agree they are beautiful and so original. I wish I had a talent as big as this.

Tuesday 8 September 2009

1st Master Piece Made

I had a go at making my very first card last night. It is my best friends Birthday very soon, so it gave me an excuse to start.

I seem to have been non stop buying crafty bits to add to my kit, so I have plenty of supplies. I bought a card making pack when I first decided to take it up as a hobby, so I decided for my first card I would make one from the kit and then add a few of my own embellishments. It was fairly simple to make and looks great. I am quite proud of my first make.

Ta Da....

I added the butterfly charm and stamped the Birthday Wishes.

Then I cut a piece of pink card with my serrated scissors. I am not 100% happy with the Happy Birthday hand written inside, so I may use a card embellishment that I have to cover it up.

Monday 7 September 2009

I Dream of Jersey

This is a bit of a reminiscence post... me and my boyfriend have been together since August 2007. Our first holiday away together was that autumn. We decided to visit the isle of Jersey one of the lovely Channel Islands.

It was beautiful. It was October, so still fairly warm, but had that crisp autumn chill in the air, the weather stayed fine, no rain at all. The island is very rural. So fabulous countryside views, and of course it is surrounded by the sea, so coastal views to boot!

We crammed in loads of site seeing, shopping and even attended a bon fire & fire work celebration. We even managed to find time to relax.

I took some lovely pictures. The Corbiere lighthouse (pictured above) was stunning and such a great evening to capture it.
I long to go back and enjoy it all over again, just me and my boyfriend enjoying a simple but relaxing holiday.

Elizabeth's Castle- St Helier

The beach at St Helier

And one more of Corbiere Lighthouse...

Thursday 3 September 2009

Autumn Treats From F&B

My daily job is working in the marketing department for a bedroom furniture company called Feather & Black. (UK only)

I think that we do some really great stuff, the product is very inspirational and Feather & Black are definitely all about living the life style. I especially love our linens and accessories designed by Molly Freshwater, from Freshwater Textiles.

Here are some of my favourite designs for the Autumn Season. We also have some lovely cushions and throws coming in very soon.

Apples kids Linen

Elsie Cappuccino Linen

Henley Linen

Hope you like them as much as I do.

Wednesday 2 September 2009

Welcome Cocoa

If you are a existing reader of my blog, then you will know that my hamster, Rambo died last week. I am still very upset to have lost him.

On Monday my boyf was off work for the day, so we spent the day looking around the shops. We had a little look in our local pet shop just to see what hamsters they have, but I said that I wasn't ready to get one yet.

We had a lovely pub lunch, whilst batteling off some very peskie wasps, and then retreated inside to eat a lovely choc sunday. Over ice cream my boyf offered to get me a hamster today if I wanted, there was a lovely brown syrian hamster that had caught my eye. I got a little upset and said I didn't know if I wanted to yet, but I did like the one I had seen and she might be sold if I wait.

So we discussed and decided that we would go and see if she is still there and if she was then we would get her. She was still there, still sleeping like when we saw her in the morning. We bought her, along with a house for her to bed down in, some more food and a treat of meal worms, that the lady in the pet shop said they love them. Much to phils disgust, he is not big on creepy crawly's! Looks like she will only get them when I feed her!

We bought her home, setteled her in. She was loving exploring the cage and went on the wheel for the first time. She is only 8 weeks old so everything is new to her. I can't get over how beautiful she is, her fur is so soft, she is a lot bigger then Rambo because he was a dwarf hamster. To me she looks like a mini bear!

I feel a little guilty about having her so soon. I still miss Rambo, but I think I will love her.

Saturday 29 August 2009

Card Making Craze

Well I have now begun my journey on the card making wagon! I have always liked the idea of crafty hobbies and being to make something that would give that lovely homemade touch for gifts and cards, so after being inspired by some lovely card makers blogs I went out today and bought some things to get me started on my hobby, I have also purchased a card kit and 2x packs of paper.

I have now added some books about card making to my Birthday list and also a set off Amazon of coloured ink pads and embellishments, that will definitely get me started. I have some stamps on order too. So watch this space I will post my first attempts on here soon!

Friday 28 August 2009

Show & Tell...

I know it is my third post today (a little keen!), but I have just found this fab blog via The Serendipity Factory (also another lovely bog). Show and Tell, is the blog of Janella, she has some great ideas, and makes some really lovely cards. I really want to take up a new crafty hobby and at the moment I am considering felting and card making, maybe I might take up both!

It's so inspriring to find such lovely creative blogs, it really makes me want to learn more crafts and skills and inspires me to write more on my own blog.

I Love...Autumn Clothes

1. Oli- Miss Real Belted Coat
2. Boden- Ruffle Cardigan
3. Topshop- Knot Stitch Beanie
4. My Tights- Pamela Mann 3D Coloured Tights
5. Boden- Colourblock Shift Dress

Autumns nearly here

Autumn is most definitely my favourite time of year. I get so fed up of the summer, don't get me wrong I love the sunshine and the festivities, but I can't cope with heat unless I can just lie by a pool all day and read a book, heat is just so impractical when you have things to do! Plus I always feel that the clothes for summer are a little to exposing and unflattering for the more curvy girl, I can never seem to get together a classy and flattering wardrobe for summer.

Autumn clothes are fab, I love the colours, textures, jumpers, dresses, scarves, coats, tights.

I also love the outdoors in Autumn, fresh crisp air, and sometimes some lovely sunshine to go with it. Brown, brunt orange falling leaves everywhere, so pretty. Walks are fab in Autumn.

I also love being in doors in Autumn, when it is getting colder outside and the wind is blowing, and you're inside cosy and warm, curled up with a good book.

Plus it's my birthday in the Autumn and that is always a cause for celebration!

Wednesday 26 August 2009

I Love... Wilbur & Gussie

Wilbur & Gussie handbags...if only I had the money. One day.

Digby Bag

J W Waterhouse...A new discovery

The Lady of Shallot

I am constantly on the look out for new artists, poets, writers etc that I have not yet come across.
I was having a read of a few blogs this morning and found a lovely blog called Hens Teeth, in the latest post the blogger talks about visiting an art exhibition of J W Waterhouse's work at the Royal Achademy in London, on until 13th September. I wish I could go! Until now I had never experienced his talent and I am in awe. I love it. So romantic and dramatic. I will definitely buy a few prints, buy them from all

Orphelia & Cleopatra


Tuesday 25 August 2009

Bye Bye Rambo

Again another tragedy has struck in August. This is not shaping up to be a good month for me.

For the past six months I have had the pleasure of owning a lovely Russian Dwarf hamster called Rambo. We adopted him from Pets At Home, he was six months old and had never been homed so we decided to give him a nice home... and a nice home he did have. He had a lovely cage, and then we upgraded to an even bigger one, he loved his wheel and his wooden climbing frame. He was such a little character, he had a huge personality despite being such a little creature.

Anyway, he had been extremely healthy even up to yesterday morning. They when I came home from work last night, I called him and he didn't appear, then I filled his bowl and rattled it (normally a sure fire way to get his attention). He still didn't appear. I found him in his bed, all stiff and not moving, at first I though he was dead, but he was just very ill. So I called the vet for advice and then kept him warm and tried to coax him to drink and eat to no avail. Then his breathing got shallower and he slipped away.

I know he is only a little hamster, but I did love him, he made me happy and kept me company and he will be missed.

He will be buried tonight in with a nice pot plant so that he can come with us when we eventually get our own house.

For those of you that love hamsters as much as me, here is a lovely group of hamster lovers photo's on flicker.

RIP Rambo. x