Friday 2 October 2009

Another belated weighted Thursday!

Wow..time seems to slipping by so quickly at the moment. I completely forgot to do my weighted Thursday update.

I was again not optimistic about losing weight due to my bday celebrations. I was right, I had put on 1lb, but not so bad considering. Therefore my goal is to lose 2lb this week to make up for it.

I have been more active this week, I went to boxercise on Tuesday night, which consists of a 10 minute aerobic warm up by Chichester's very own version of Mr Motivator, James, then there are at least 10 stations around the room, and two activities on each station. You go round with a partner and complete one set of activites each and then on the second time round do the oposite activities. It was exhausting, I did think I was going to faint a few times, but overall I loved it. Oh and how I ache!

I also went to pilates again last night. It was really good, but hurt a lot more than normal due to the aftermath of boxercise.

A fairly normal week for this week, so the 2lb is feasable. See how it goes.


  1. Hi Steph,just seen your question and as I was not sure because my Hubby brought them I checked our email's and found this
    I think it was here that he got my first set of sketch's
    If I find the other company he used I will pass it on to you.
    I remember reading about your Boyfriend the other week, that was a close call...
    Thank's for your comment's they are greatly appreciated...
    Ps... If you get some copic's I don't think you will be disappointed they are brill...

    ps just found this
    I think we had some from this company too, although It's not in the UK,had no problem's though...

  2. Me again Steph,I just remembered Wendy from Secret Crafter sell's the Copic Ciao individualy and she does Free Post

    If you were thinking of getting a few to start I will send you the most popular colour's I use for skin tones and such and you can see if Wendy has them.
    I am doing the house work at the mo but keep sneaking back to my
    so if you are interested in that just let me know and I will try and help.
