Friday 9 October 2009

A Weighted Friday (because I forgot to do it on Thursday!)

I am rubbish! I keep forgetting to do my weighted Thursday post.

I went for my weekly weigh in on Wednesday night and it was good news.....I had lost the 1lb that I put back on last week and an extra 1/2lb for good measure. I am pleased. I am 2.5lb off getting to half a stone off and my silver seven milestone. I would love to reach it next week, but if not I am sure that by Wednesday 21st I can get there.

I have been to boxercise and pilates again this week and I am really enjoying it. I have definately improved already in both and I can notice my body starting to slowly change shape. My stomach seems to be that little bit flatter and clothes seem to be looking that bit more comfortable on my frame. Definately a move in the right direction.

Better go, work is hectic today. I am sooo glad that it is the weekend tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to attend pilates leson ... is it kind of yoga?

