Friday 30 October 2009

Lots to tell

Wow it has been a very busy few weeks for me... I haven't even had time to post on here.

It has been extremely busy at work, so I have been manic there and also had loads to do in my home life too. Me and my boyfriend are finally getting own place which means a huge amount to us. It means our own space, privacy, lot's of cooking time and able to choose what I want to cook, we can have friends and family round or to stay so less money being spent on going out all the time. I will even have space to do my card making because we will have more than one room to call our own.

We have purchased a luxury mobile home on a lovely holiday park called Lakeside on the south coast. The park itself is just on the edge of town so we have the convenience of being close to work and shops, restaurants and bars, but also we have the countryside all around and are not too far from the sea. The Park is surrounded by 10 fishing lakes so it is quite beautiful.

The mobile home it's self is very smart, it is only two years old and has been well looked after. It comes fully furnished so all we need to get is a few items for the kitchen and we are good to go. We have a nice lounge, a modern kitchen with a dining area, one guest bedroom, a small seperate toilet, an en-suit bathroom with shower/bath and then a double bedroom. There are double patio doors from the lounge which will open onto our lovely decking space. I cannot wait. It just feels like you are in a flat when you are inside.

On top of this I have also been busy making cards and even went to a card making workshop, where I learnt some handy techniques, but actually I was surprised at how much I already knew and how professional my cards already looked. I lost my camera battery charger for a while, but it has now been located and I will post some pictures up on here very soon. It will be so nice to have space to do my hobby very soon.

Thursday 15 October 2009

Weighted Thursday: Slow and steady wins the race

I am still going steady on the weight loss front. Apart from a little slip after my birthday celebrations I have lost every week since I started going again.

I lost 1/2 lb this week, small but a 1/2 lb in the right direction. Just 2lb to go and I will have lost 1/2 stone and I already feel much better for it.

I have continued my two classes a week and I am definitely improving fitness wise, I am no longer at deaths door by the end of boxercise, just feel more like I am getting over a bad bought of flu! I also now have a regular partner, Patricia to complete the class with which is nice.

Also for those of you card makers out there, I haven't given up, still love it, but have lost my battery charger for the camera so cannot take photographic evidence, must have a search tonight!

I am also mega busy at the moment, I work full time, go to weight watchers once a week, singing rehearsal once a week, and then gigs hear and there, 2 lot's of exercise classes, I am trying to complete a distance learning HND in business in marketing (I have been enrolled for 2 years and so far have only completed 2 modules so far! My tutor had a little word and said that I need to pick up the pace to at least 1 module over 2 months and that will mean I will finish in Feb 2012! There are 16 modules to do in total, so I have to get my arse into gear) then I am also trying to re-start my PartyLite business back up part time to try and bring in some extra money, so if anyone lives in or has friends in west sussex area spread the word. I feel like I am on overload at the moment!

Hope everyone has a nice day.

Friday 9 October 2009

A Weighted Friday (because I forgot to do it on Thursday!)

I am rubbish! I keep forgetting to do my weighted Thursday post.

I went for my weekly weigh in on Wednesday night and it was good news.....I had lost the 1lb that I put back on last week and an extra 1/2lb for good measure. I am pleased. I am 2.5lb off getting to half a stone off and my silver seven milestone. I would love to reach it next week, but if not I am sure that by Wednesday 21st I can get there.

I have been to boxercise and pilates again this week and I am really enjoying it. I have definately improved already in both and I can notice my body starting to slowly change shape. My stomach seems to be that little bit flatter and clothes seem to be looking that bit more comfortable on my frame. Definately a move in the right direction.

Better go, work is hectic today. I am sooo glad that it is the weekend tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Wednesday 7 October 2009

New printable images for my cards

I am very excited because I have bought some printable images from Bee Crafty and they were sitting in my inbox waiting when I came in to work today. Who wouldn't want to be greeted by these little faces....

They are just adorable and I can't wait to use them. Bee Crafty also have a blog.

Unfortunately I have a hectic night tonight, it is the weekly weigh in at WW, fingers crossed I have at least lost the 1lb that I put on last week. I then have singing rehearsals afterwards, so that will take me up to 9.30, then tea and then probably almost time for bed by then, so not card making for me tonight. :(

Also a special mention to the lovely ladies who have been helping me out with my novice queries over the last two days, their help is much appreciated. Check out their blogs:


Some of them also are team members on lot's of other blogs too. They are busy ladies!

I am very keen to learn the techniques, but sometimes it is all a little overwhelming. I must say both the blogging and card making community a such lovely friendly people.

Hope everyone has a nice day.

Monday 5 October 2009

Feather & Black new look website & blog

You may know that I work for a company called Feather & Black. We have been having a refresh of our look across all marketing areas, but today was the launch of our new look website and our first ever blog. How exciting.

I think the website looks fabulous and our blog is going to be a very interesting read covering anything from buying the best mattress for you and your partner, how to get a good night sleep or our favourites of the latest trends and interiors products.

Hope you like them.

Peachy Keen Stamps Challenge Blog Candy

A fab blog candy is happening over at Peachy Keen Stamps. Take a look and enter to win these fab prizes.

World Card Making Day

Well I did participate in world card making day. On Saturday I spent most of the day working on my cards, using my brand new papers and stamps. I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of my Sugar Nellie stamps, which should be in the post today, so I am sure I will be making cards tonight as well.

I made a lovely card for my Nan for her Birthday on 26th December (aren't I good!) I am quite proud of it, the new papers are great.

I also continued to work on my boyfriends 30th Birthday card. I have nearly finished just need to add a 30 on the front and then find a nice poem for inside then it is done. no pictures yet, I will post them up here when it is done.

Friday 2 October 2009

Fantastic blog candy up for grabs

Jak Heath at the Crafters Kitchen is having a brill blog candy. She has an Silhoutte SD digital cutting tool up for grabs! Take a look and enter on her blog. I sooooo want to win.

Another belated weighted Thursday!

Wow..time seems to slipping by so quickly at the moment. I completely forgot to do my weighted Thursday update.

I was again not optimistic about losing weight due to my bday celebrations. I was right, I had put on 1lb, but not so bad considering. Therefore my goal is to lose 2lb this week to make up for it.

I have been more active this week, I went to boxercise on Tuesday night, which consists of a 10 minute aerobic warm up by Chichester's very own version of Mr Motivator, James, then there are at least 10 stations around the room, and two activities on each station. You go round with a partner and complete one set of activites each and then on the second time round do the oposite activities. It was exhausting, I did think I was going to faint a few times, but overall I loved it. Oh and how I ache!

I also went to pilates again last night. It was really good, but hurt a lot more than normal due to the aftermath of boxercise.

A fairly normal week for this week, so the 2lb is feasable. See how it goes.