Thursday 15 October 2009

Weighted Thursday: Slow and steady wins the race

I am still going steady on the weight loss front. Apart from a little slip after my birthday celebrations I have lost every week since I started going again.

I lost 1/2 lb this week, small but a 1/2 lb in the right direction. Just 2lb to go and I will have lost 1/2 stone and I already feel much better for it.

I have continued my two classes a week and I am definitely improving fitness wise, I am no longer at deaths door by the end of boxercise, just feel more like I am getting over a bad bought of flu! I also now have a regular partner, Patricia to complete the class with which is nice.

Also for those of you card makers out there, I haven't given up, still love it, but have lost my battery charger for the camera so cannot take photographic evidence, must have a search tonight!

I am also mega busy at the moment, I work full time, go to weight watchers once a week, singing rehearsal once a week, and then gigs hear and there, 2 lot's of exercise classes, I am trying to complete a distance learning HND in business in marketing (I have been enrolled for 2 years and so far have only completed 2 modules so far! My tutor had a little word and said that I need to pick up the pace to at least 1 module over 2 months and that will mean I will finish in Feb 2012! There are 16 modules to do in total, so I have to get my arse into gear) then I am also trying to re-start my PartyLite business back up part time to try and bring in some extra money, so if anyone lives in or has friends in west sussex area spread the word. I feel like I am on overload at the moment!

Hope everyone has a nice day.


  1. Well Done hunnie
    keep up the good work!
    Strong woman!!

  2. yes i too am loosing weight slowly but surely xx well done a loss is a loss you could not try and be putting on the 1/2lb instead !
    by the way if you fancy checking out our blog,entering competitions,challenges plus simply sharing work plus much more check us out
