Monday 28 September 2009

A Belated Weighted Thursday I have been a very busy bee over the last few days. I was at a meeting in London all day on Thursday so unfortunately could not do my weighted Thursday update.

I didn't stay to my weight watchers meeting on Wednesday as I needed to spend the evening with Phil as I wasn't seeing him on my actual birthday last Friday, so I just went to the weigh in bit. To be honest I wasn't expecting much and was pessimistic about any weight loss. But I had lost 1.5lb again, so still moving consistently forward. I have lost 4.5lb in total in 3 weeks. I am pleased and will be very happy if I keep up with this. Hopefully I will get my silver seven award either this Wednesday or next. It was my Birthday on Friday and I turned 25.

I spend the weekend at my parents in Worcestershire. My Mum and dad were at work on Friday so I opened pressies on Thursday night, I got lot's of lovely things, a coat, face cleansing products, vouchers etc. On Friday I spent the day with my Nan and cousin Sam. We went to Ludlow, had lunch in the castle tea rooms there and then had a stroll around the market and shops. Then on the evening I was treated to an Indian meal by Mum and Dad and my little bro came along. It was lovely.

Then on Saturday I spent the day with best friend shopping, watching Fame at the cinema and then a light meal on the way home. I bought lot's of bargains in Primark, we spent two hours in there!

On Sunday I went to see a close old friend from college, who has asked me to be her brides maid. I had a mini breakdown before I left to go and see her, I was a little worried about seeing her because she hadn't seen me since I had put on weight and I was worried that she would be disappointed that she had asked me to be a bridesmaid. Silly I know, but I just don't want her to worry about me looking awful on her photo's. I know, she doesn't even think like that. Anyway it was nice to catch up and I am now more spurred on to lose the weight.

After seeing my friend, I dropped round to pick up my Nan and took her to Mum and Dads to have a Sunday lunch.
(It will be a miracle if I have lost weight this week, but I have been good the rest of the time to make up for it and I do have boxercise tomorrow night to burn some calories!). Then a long 3hr drive back to my home in Worthing.

Now... well it's Monday and work is nearly over, so that is a plus...but still 4 days to go at work! Hope everyone else had a good weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I like your writing style :) I am sure you can achive your perfect weight .

    nice blog

