Sunday 23 August 2009

New Outlook

Let's say at the moment I am carrying a little more weight than I would like and am a little less than as healthy as I would like to be.

I am at the moment the heaviest that I have ever isn't necessarily because I am lazy or that I eat too much. More like that unfortunately I never seem to be able to muster up enough enthusiasm and energy to do both the healthy eating and exercise thing at the same time. I can do each simultaneously but never together.

I was a regular runner for about two years, even though I always was adment that I was not able to run and couldn't even run for a minute at the start. I have bad knees though and now that I have put on weight that adds even more strain, so running is temporarily out out of the question. I have done months and months of regular exercise classes from spinning to pilates, I have done the gym, swimming, bike rides etc all at various different times, but yet no weight loss.

I have done diets, weight watchers etc to try and shift the pounds, but still nothing more than 5lbs lost! Mucho frustrating.

So I think I can see from this that I need a balance of both, unfortunately my current lack of money and living situation (living with Boyf, phil's parents and eating what they buy and cook) is a little tricky. Unfortunately they are very fond of frozen, not much veg and extra helpings of chips. So the lack of money means that also I am not able to buy and cook my own food.

After reading CUP OF JO today and clicked through to a link of a beautiful photograph of a young couples wedding on flicker, I felt a certain amount of renewed enthusiasm to get my life back on track and begin looking after myself better. I want nothing more than to look this good all the time but of course on my wedding day I want to look the best. To wear clothes rather than fill them and wear them to cover up.

I was always very thin at school, could eat anything and never put on weight and then puberty hit and the weight crept up, but not too far, just enough to make me nicely curvy and feminine. The trick then was that I never thought about exercising I just did it in my everyday life, playing in the park, riding my bike, walking to school etc, it was automatic. Where as now, execise has to be diliberate, I have to drive to work, I do walk to the shops on my lunch break when the weather is nice, I sit at a desk all day but do try to walk up and down the office when possible without neglecting my work, but now exercise has become, going to the gym or doing a class after work and lets face it sometimes we don't always feel like it after a hard day. But I do enjoy it when I actually go.

I am going to try my best to find more inspiration and motivation from the world around me to try and change my out look, lose some weight and get healthy.

Plus I am due to be a bridesmaid twice next year and how nice would it be to wear a size 10 or 12 dress rather than a 16 or an 18 (UK sizes). If that isn't motivation I don't know what is!

Whatch this dress space!

1 comment:

  1. hi there... first of all I want to say I'm glad to hear some people are making an effort to get healthy, it inspires me to do the same, and I just lack the enthusiasm much like you said.

    second, I was attracted to your site because I read that you always have your own opinion on things and thats great! My blog is all about my opinion on different matters, and I encourage people to have their own opinion, I actually encourage them to argue with me. So I just want to say keep that mentality, and maybe post something to display where you stand on some matter or another.

    that would be great if more people did that. I would also like to hear what you have to say about what I believe. It would be great if you could comment on my latest 'current debate' no worries though. tks
